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Sierra Visher Kroha, a leader in the San Diego nonprofit and philanthropic community, served as Chief Executive Officer and in other roles at San Diego Social Venture Partners for ten years.

Before joining SVP, Sierra spent several years living in Nairobi, Kenya, helping to start, scale and then manage a national public health program with the nonprofit Deworm the World Initiative. As a result of the successful implementation of this program, 5.9 million children were dewormed annually, dramatically improving their health and educational outcomes.

A fanatic for working in nonprofits and with the interesting and passionate people that they attract, Sierra has held leadership roles in microfinance organizations, in refugee services, and business development programs in Latin America, and East Africa.

Sierra was the 2011 recipient of the Luther Gulick Scholarship for Leadership on International Issues. And, in 2022 was a finalist for the San Diego Business Journal's Top 40 Business Leaders under 40. She has previously chaired the board of the Karen Organization of San Diego and currently serves on the boards of the Point Loma Association and Indego Africa.

Sierra spends weekends playing with her two young children, enjoying all the outdoor activities that San Diego has to offer. Sierra has a BA in International Studies from University of California, San Diego and a Master in Public Administration from New York University.

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