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It can be hard to focus on strengthening the business side of a nonprofit when so much energy and funding goes into delivering service. Through pro bono support from our Partners, SVP can help.

Approach: Welcome


SVP’s unique approach seeks to develop true partnerships with nonprofit organizations to help build capacity and improve resilience, leading to higher impact. Our pro bono consulting support is provided by teams of our Partners. We choose nonprofits during two selection cycles each year. 


Our Partners are a group of highly skilled, compassionate, community-minded individuals who bring decades of business and other professional experience to our work with nonprofits. Using a collaborative approach, they come alongside our nonprofit clients to help them overcome organizational challenges and rise to opportunities.


For organizations open to true collaboration with a small team, our engagements can be an alliance of transformative growth and impact.


Board Governance

Communication & Messaging

Facilities & Real Estate

Finance & Budget Planning

Human Resources

Information Technology

Leadership Development



Program Development & Evaluation

Revenue Stream Development

Strategic Planning 


Each of our engagements is customized to meet the needs and opportunities of our nonprofit partners. Examples include:


Managing for Outcomes: This approach guides nonprofits in defining and measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that drive organizational and program improvement. 

Numbers Tell the Story: A framework for nonprofit leaders to leverage financial reporting as a tool for management, direct dollars to impact, engage the board in financial oversight, and use the budget to communicate funding priorities.   

Roadmap to Results: A structured process for strategic planning to develop an aligned roadmap to chart the course for a nonprofit’s future path. 

Foundation & Direction: Support for nonprofit leaders to develop the Board of Directors and improve governance practices, building stronger organizations. 


Money Matters: Guidance for nonprofit leaders to advance a fund development strategy as they understand their current approach, evaluate opportunities for revenue generation, and develop a plan to reach the organization's revenue goals.    

Brain power and heart, a message from CRC

SVP's Impact on MAKE Project

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